Dog Training – Nora's Dog Training Company The key to a happy life together is respect and lots of love... Fri, 18 Jan 2019 06:08:49 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Dog Training – Nora's Dog Training Company 32 32 Dog Training Demonstration – Alfie Fri, 13 Jul 2018 10:48:21 +0000

Alfie and Kobie Dog Training Demonstration – Distractions on the Street

Alfie demonstrates his ability to focus and execute his new skills with the distraction of a puppy in the training area. He is a super guy with tons of potential. Good job Alfie!

Sample Schedule Thu, 03 Nov 2016 08:12:43 +0000

Sample of the Schedule Your Beloved Dog Will Follow

  • Dog Traning

Nora’s Dog Training Company will offer your beloved dog a structured schedule, lots of love and respects, and most importantly consistency.

Sample Schedule

6:00am-7:00am Out of crate to relieve (Potty)
7:15am Small feeding in crate
8:00am Out for exercise and to relieve himself again
8:00am-10:00am Free time (Supervised)
10-10:30am Obedience Workout (Follow You Tube video)
11:00am Out to relieve himself (Potty)
11:30-1:30 Crate (Nap Time)
2:00pm Outside (Right from the crate)
2:30pm-4:30 Free time (Supervised) Obedience Workout
5:00pm Dinner (In the crate)
5:30pm Outside (Right from crate)
6-8:00pm Nap in crate
8-10:00pm Free time (Supervised)
10:30pm Outside for the last time
10:45pm Bed Time (In the crate)

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Understanding Your Dog’s Behavior Thu, 03 Nov 2016 08:11:13 +0000

Understanding your dog’s behavior

Have you ever been around your dog and wondered what she is thinking or feeling?

One of the most adorable things your dog does is give you those big puppy dog eyes. Though most people melt and reward this cuteness with a treat, this is your dog’s way of saying he loves and trusts you. (I’m sure he will appreciate the tasty morsel too!)

If you find your beloved dog looking at you before he is about to do something, this means he respects and desires your opinion. He understands you are in charge and does not like to upset you.

This means your pet wants attention and is ready to spend quality time with you. If you notice this behavior, check yourself. Have you been too busy to show her some love today? If so, make some time. It’s good for both of you!

You will notice even low maintenance dogs have a need for your attention. Here again, intense staring is not her way of being creepy. She just wants your affection.

If you caught the opposite sex doing this to you, you might call the police. When a dog does this, it’s a sign they are relaxed, happy and mellow. This is usually their expression after getting the attention they crave!

If you catch your dog like this, it means she is neutral, relaxed and secure in her surroundings. If you are wondering when the best time to approach a strange dog is, it is when they are doing these things.

Ready To see an Improvement on your Dog’s Behavior?

How Do You Know if Your Dog is Happy… Thu, 03 Nov 2016 08:09:59 +0000

How Do You Know if Your Dog is Happy…

  • Dog Training   •   June 2, 2018

Dogs feel emotions similar to ours, but they can’t express them as we do. They show their feelings through body language, behavior, and even health. And believe it or not, there are specific signs that indicate dog happiness.

Like a 2-year-old child, your dog lacks the vocabulary to tell you how they feel. However, also like a toddler, dogs’ body language and behavior communicate emotions. For example, most of us know what it looks like when our dog is “frustrated.”

Physical signs of a happy dog

In general, a happy dog will have a relaxed body language. These are some of the physical signs of a happy dog:

  • A soft, partially open mouth

  • Ears that are relaxed not pulled back or taut with alertness

  • Overall relaxed posture, with a raised head, relaxed tail, and confident stance

  • A tail wag that involves whole-body wiggles, or at least a relaxed body. Conversely, a dog standing stiffly with a tautly waving tail may be showing alertness or nervousness.

  • Rolling over to show their belly

  • Making a “play bow,” with their rear in the air and chest lowered to the ground as an invitation to play

Of course, every dog is different, and body composition may vary. But in general, a happy dog will appear comfortable and at ease

Ready to see an Improvement on Your Dog’s Behavior?
