Sample of the Schedule Your Beloved Dog Will Follow

  • Dog Traning

Nora’s Dog Training Company will offer your beloved dog a structured schedule, lots of love and respects, and most importantly consistency.

Sample Schedule

6:00am-7:00am Out of crate to relieve (Potty)
7:15am Small feeding in crate
8:00am Out for exercise and to relieve himself again
8:00am-10:00am Free time (Supervised)
10-10:30am Obedience Workout (Follow You Tube video)
11:00am Out to relieve himself (Potty)
11:30-1:30 Crate (Nap Time)
2:00pm Outside (Right from the crate)
2:30pm-4:30 Free time (Supervised) Obedience Workout
5:00pm Dinner (In the crate)
5:30pm Outside (Right from crate)
6-8:00pm Nap in crate
8-10:00pm Free time (Supervised)
10:30pm Outside for the last time
10:45pm Bed Time (In the crate)

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